- Started your own blog
- Slept under the stars
- Played in a band
- Visited Hawaii
- Watched a meteor shower
- Bathed in a river
- Been to the Taj Mahal
- Walked on a glacier in Alaska
- Caught and held a snake
- Spoke in front of a big crowd
- Bungee jumped
- Had a whirlwind love affair that broke your heart
- Found an arrowhead or fossil
- Taught yourself an art from scratch
- Rescued an animal
- Ate sweet breads, glands or tripe
- Seen Mount Rushmore in person
- Grown your own vegetables
- Seen the Mona Lisa in France
- Slept on an overnight train
- Had a pillow fight
- Hiked to base camp on Mt. Everest
- Taken a sick day when you’re not ill
- Built a snow fort
- Watched an animal being born
- Gone skinny dipping
- Learned a foreign language
- Ridden in a gondola in Venice
- Seen a total eclipse
- Stayed up for more than 24 hours
- Trained a dog to do cool tricks
- Been on a cruise
- Seen Niagara Falls in person
- Visited the birthplace of your ancestors
- Seen an Amish community
- Can drive a stick shift car
- Won over $1000 in a raffle or lottery
- Seen the Leaning Tower of Pisa in person
- Gone rock climbing
- Seen Michelangelo’s David
- Seen Old Faithful geyser erupt
- Been serenaded
- Visited Africa
- Walked on a beach by moonlight
- Broken a bone
- Started your own business
- Quit a job because you were totally unhappy
- Seen the Sistine Chapel in person
- Been to the Eiffel Tower
- Gone scuba diving or snorkeling
- Kissed in the rain passionately
- Played in the mud
- Gone to a drive-in
- Been in a movie
- Visited the Great Wall of China
- Joined a prayer group
- Taken a martial arts class
- Visited Russia
- Served at a soup kitchen
- Gone whale watching
- Received flowers for no reason
- Donated blood, platelets or plasma
- Gone sky diving
- Visited a Nazi Concentration Camp
- Bounced a check
- Flown in a helicopter
- Saved a favorite childhood toy
- Visited the Lincoln Memorial
- Eaten caviar
- Pieced a quilt
- Stood in Times Square
- Toured the Everglades
- Been fired from a job
- Seen the changing of the guards in London
- Broken something extremely expensive
- Been on a speeding motorcycle
- Seen the Grand Canyon in person
- Published a book
- Visited the Vatican
- Got a tattoo
- Been to a coffee shop in Amsterdam
- Seen the aurora borealis in person
- Read the entire Bible
- Visited the White House
- Killed and prepared an animal for eating
- Had chickenpox
- Saved someone’s life
- Sat on a jury
- Met someone famous
- Joined a book club
- Lost a loved one
- Toured the UN
- Hiked to Machu Picchu
- Swam in the Indian Ocean
- Conversed with someone when neither of you spoke each others language
- Dirty danced
- Been stung by a bee
- Acted in a play
- Had more than 5 surgeries
- Threw a surprise party for someone
Floral Delight Suite: Easy Happy Birthday Card
23 hours ago
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